“Brick and Mortar” industry is entering the digital age!

Operating in real time, the digital platform is always connected and collaborative, and lets all project participants provide inputs take decisions and send feedbacks.

Connect Geographic Infromation Systems (GIS) with cutting edge technologies such drones and 3-D

Fleet coordination even further, using operational and performance data from equipment

Digital Documentation

In the age of digital transformation, enterprises are looking to eliminate paper fomats and manual processes. For construction industry, many still exist:

  • Contractor/ subcontractor communication and project approvals
  • Workers real time remote access to data
  • Health & safety reports made easier and most of all ucknowledged by teams
  • Digitalisation of material inventory and aquisition
  • Risk assessments and regulatory updates to be accesible by all workers



With SYONEEX you can prepare for the new decades.